Tourism for All has links to all areas of the accessible tourism community:
- Individual tourists and travellers with access needs
- Tourism businesses
- Tourist Boards
- Destination Management Organisations (DMOs)
- Service providers (to individuals or businesses)
- Specialist charities
We want to use these links to build a better picture of the accessible tourism market and to help improve the accessible tourism and travel experience for individuals and for tourism businesses.
A key way of doing this is to conduct surveys within different areas of our community. These help us to understand the experiences and aspirations of individual tourists and travellers with access needs and to identify opportunities for tourism businesses to improve the service they give to customers with access needs - and so build the 3 important ‘Rs’ of their businesses: their revenue, resilience and reputation.
Just some of our previous surveys:
Staycations and Accessible Tourism in the UK in 2021
This survey asked respondents about their experiences with UK based staycations during 2021 and about their plans to take UK based staycation(s) in the coming year.
View the Survey findings
UK Accessible Tourism post lockdown
View the Survey findings