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Did you know that the UK is home to the world’s first ‘Surf Therapy’ project?
The Wave Project began in Cornwall and now runs courses at a variety of locations across the UK helping young people with mental health conditions to improve their confidence and connect to the world around them. Since 2010, the team and their volunteers have been helping people with a range of mental health conditions from schizophrenia to anxiety to autism grow in confidence.

The Wave Project was initially funded by a government health grant, but is now funded by donations and charitable grants. The courses are proven to help raise well-being among the participants, with them all saying they felt calmer, less angry, more connected with each other and increasing in confidence. One participant who had been diagnosed with selective mutism was able to begin talking freely during the course. These successes led to the creation of the Wave Project, which now hosts courses across the south west of England, North Yorkshire, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the south east and London, where using organisations and facilities in those regions, they continue to support children through surfing.

If you’re looking for an activity to help a young person with a mental health condition, click here to visit the Wave Project’s website, you are able to self-refer to their courses in a number of locations. Find a location you like the sound of and then check out our accommodation providers, eateries and attractions to create the perfect accessible visit.

If you now a young person that you think maybe struggling with their mental health, you can contact Mind or Young Minds for advice and support.
