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Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) are vehicles which have been permanently adapted to carry a wheelchair user.
WAVs typically enable the wheelchair user to enter and travel without leaving their wheelchair. Some WAVs are designed for the wheelchair user to enter in their wheelchair but transfer to a standard seat within the vehicle.
There are some taxi and hire car firms who stock a range of WAVs or you can hire them. There are a few companies in the UK providing WAV Hire, offering you the chance to try a vehicle for anything from a few days to a few months, for example here.
There are 2 main types of WAV that you will typically find in the UK:
AWAV (Assisted Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle): These vehicles are generally adapted for the wheelchair user to travel as a passenger within the vehicle. The wheelchair user typically requires the assistance of a family member or carer to access the vehicle and secure the wheelchair within the vehicle.
UWAV (Unassisted Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle): These vehicles are adapted for the wheelchair user to travel independently as a driver. They are referred to as ‘drive-from wheelchair’ vehicles. UWAVs are usually more expensive due to their complex entry and tie-down systems that can be operated without the aid of a second person.
There are lots of things to consider when choosing a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. One of the most important things to check is how much interior space you need for the wheelchair user to travel comfortably, with good visibility out of the windows and without feeling cramped.
There are also different options for the wheelchair location within the vehicle. Depending on your needs you may prefer up front next to the driver, next to the rear passengers or behind the rear passengers. Each option will have different implications for the comfort and visibility of the wheelchair user, as well as the cost of the vehicle.
You’ll also need to consider things like the ride comfort, number of seats, transmission, and parking.
For a comprehensive guide check out this WAV Buyers’ Guide.