In News

Autistic Pride Day is on 18th June each year, it was created by Aspies For Freedom, a group that promotes events and projects for autistics to celebrate their neurodiversity and differences.

Since its initial inception, events have taken place all over the world, with both online and offline meetings, walks, gatherings, picnics, days out and more. This year is no different, a whole host of Autistic Pride events are taking place this year, so be sure to take a look at what is going on in your local area and join in!

Talking about the event, the founders, Aspies for Freedom, said: “It is important for us to spend a day each year enjoying our autism with our family and friends, whether online or offline, because there can be so many negatives in the media about autism, we feel it is important to rebalance with positive events.”

Attending an Autism Pride Event and need somewhere to stay? Make sure to take a look at our accommodation pages.
