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If you’re thinking of joining the many businesses that are becoming more accessible to those with sensory conditions, well done! Many companies offer guests a sensory backpack, which is a bag designed for visually impaired children and adults or those with autism or other sensory conditions. If you’re considering putting something similar together to offer your guests, here are some ideas of what you can put inside.

  1. The Bag
    Choose your bag carefully. Make sure it isn’t too busy with the design and that it is comfortable to wear and not too heavy. The easier they are for you to get into the better too!
  2. What to put in there
    Make sure the things you include are practical, good ideas would be a water bottle (which the guest can keep when they leave), ear defenders or headphones, dark glasses, magnifiers or guides with large print or braille. Those with sensory conditions will need to have a number of sensory items, so why not find a number of items that will enhance your displays or exhibitions, such as rain sticks, touch items or more.
  3. Try to make them fun but informative
    Sensory backpacks should add to the experience of coming to your venue, so bright colours, toys and things that are relevant to your business are a good idea. Including maps, guides and more will also be helpful, especially if they highlight quieter spaces, places where they can rest or where accessible toilets are.

Sensory backpacks are just one of the many things you can offer to help make your business as accessible as possible to those with sensory conditions or hidden disabilities. If you want to find out more about help and advice for your business, be sure to speak to the team about training opportunities. You can get in contact with us here.
