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In an effort to tackle issues that are faced by those with autism when visiting somewhere new for the first time, Heritage Ability has produced an online Visual Guide for Prior Park, a popular tourist attraction owned by the National Trust in Bath. This guide hopes to reduce anxiety for autistic people as well as being beneficial for those planning group visits, particularly groups that have complex needs.

The online guide provides visitors with information on what they can expect to see and hear during their visit, as well as highlighting any areas that may be noisy or have flashing lights, which can cause problems for those with sensory conditions or epilepsy. The guide also includes information on everything from what wildlife can be found in the area, where the toilets are and any areas that guests can rest in.

The Visual Guide was developed as part of the Heritage Ability Project, a three year initiative funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to help heritage attractions in the south west become more accessible.

The Senior Visitor Experience Officer at Prior Park, Rachel Beaumont, said: “We are so happy that the new Visual Guide for Prior Park is up on our website. It will help visitors to the garden plan their visits more thoroughly and ensure they avoid any areas that could add anxiety or stress.”

To find out more about what attractions across the south west will have these visual guides, you can visit
