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A recent Forbes article has highlighted a number of apps that have launched with inclusivity in mind.

One particularly helpful app release is called HelloDone, who have partnered with delivery firm DHL to support two way conversations between customers with disabilities and delivery drivers to help with accessible home deliveries.

The app has a number of features including a Just A Minute (or JAM) option, to alert drivers that they may need to wait longer than usual, so that customers with disabilities can get to the door.

The app was developed following research undertaken by Citizens’ Advice, which found that more than a third of people with disabilities experienced problems with deliveries in a single week last year.

Another app developed by Talov, an Ecuadorian start up, is called Speak Liz which has been designed with the D/deaf community in mind. The app uses artificial intelligence to transfer written text to sound, transcribe spoken words and can alert a D/deaf or hard of hearing person to nearby sounds like the emergency services or nearby voices. The app also has a sign language recognition feature which transforms sign language into voice and text through the use of a phone camera allowing the user to communicate with those around them, regardless of whether or not they know sign language.

Do you use any accessibility apps? We’d love to know your recommendations, you can let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
