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After schools across Northern Ireland were forced to close due to the Coronavirus, the team at Armagh Observatory and Planetarium launched their Science at Home series. The series allows you to take part in a variety of science experiments, displays and lectures all from home.

Speaking on the planetarium’s website, Sinead Mackle, the Education and Outreach Manager at Armagh Observatory and Planetarium said: “Our Science at Home series will give children the opportunity to try some experiments even though they are off school. The series will also include astronomy talks as well as interesting blog articles from science in sci fi movies to revealing what a vampire star is. We are in unprecedented times and with our schools facing a prolonged period of closure, it is important we all play a role in helping our children continue to learn. We are very keen to engage with our social media followers, so if there is a topic you would like us to cover or an experiment you would like to see us do, then we want to hear from you.”

It’s not all for the children though, anyone can join in with the talks and experiments, all of which are safe to do at home.

Like many attractions across the UK, Armagh Planetarium and Observatory is currently closed, but rather than due to the current crisis, they are closed for major refurbishment which will see a state of the art digital theatre projector installed and a new sensory room for guests with additional needs.

To take part in the Science at Home series, follows Armagh Observatory and Planetarium on Facebook and find out more on their website.


Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
Observatory / Planetarium
armagh planetarium

At the Planetarium the primary activity is the education and the distribution of scientific and technical knowledge.